Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Big "1"

Lilly turned 1!  I can't believe it's been a year since we were blessed with her and I had the single longest week of my life.  Her entire birthday week, I kept remembering back and thinking how much we've been through this year.  It's been crazy.  Since I'm home and "have more time", I decided to do lots of crafty things for her birthday.  It went pretty well!

 Lilly's cake!  I baked every bit of this from scratch.  The bottom layer is chocolate with buttercream icing and buttercream fondant, the middle layer is white with buttercream icing and buttercream fondant, and the ladybug which was Lilly's smash cake was butter cake with buttercream icing and buttercream fondant.  It was all quite fabulous!  The smash cake being covered in fondant was cute, but it wasn't that messy for smashing.  : /

I made two giant hairbows for little miss thang's hair.

I painted a onesie for her.  I put the polka dot 1 on the font, her name on the back in red with black outline and a ladybug on her tushy.

And I made her a big double layer tutu with a big ladybug bow on the front.

Smashing the ladybug!

I forgot I made her a hat to wear during the cake smashing so we threw it on her for some pics when we remembered. 

The ladybug party was a success!  Everyone had a good time, the food was good, the cake was good, Lilly did a great job especially since she got woken up from her morning nap by thunder.  My big kids did a good job not crowding her and the other kids we invited didn't try to open her presents for her!  It was so great being surrounded by people we love and for me to be able to show off some of my craftiness!  I was pretty proud of how things turned out.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Time Flies When You're Crazy

We made it through Lilly's FINAL surgery with only a 5 day hospital stay nearly 2 months ago!  She has healed great and is growing like a weed!  She decided after nearly 10 months of being toothless, to cut her first tooth while in the hospital.  She is now working on tooth number 6...she's not wasting any time now!  She is crawling, rolling over, pulling up on everything and has even become a little bit of a parrot.  All of a sudden my baby is turning into a toddler and I'm not sure I'm ready!  I was so excited for this stage with the others but since she's the last one, I've been relishing these baby months and am sad to bid them farewell.  Off to new adventures!

Maddy started preschool!
It has been really nice for both of us.  She gets to spend some time with new friends and learn in a structured environment and I get some time with just the two little ones.  Maddy has a new best friend and they are precious together!  Every day after school I get to hear what she and Delainey did!  I love it!!!

Daegan is more "all boy" than ever.  He goes through a couple outfits a day and is constantly covered in bruises and scrapes.  He still isn't talking much, but he can usually get his point across and he is trying more.  He has a little tractor my grandma got for him that has gone everywhere with him for the past month.  It's adorable.  Last weekend, we went to an air show with my sis and bro-in-law and my bro-in-law bought Daegan and Maddy little airplanes.  Daegan now goes everywhere with his tractor AND his airplane. 

As for me, I'm trying to take things a day at a time, remembering this time is fleeting and I will miss it before I know it.  There are days I cannot wait until bedtime, but most of the time I really am enjoying just being Mommy.  Maddy starting preschool has been a good way to get me to begin putting us on a schedule.  It's better for everybody and helps keep me a little more organized...though we still have plenty of chaos.  ;)