Friday, October 14, 2011

Gaining Ground

The photography business is starting to take off for me!  I've been playing for about a year and the word is starting to get out!  I did pics of a couple of my good friends with their little man a few days ago and they are so happy with them!  I put their pics up on my photo blog, .  I talked to a couple more of my friends last night that want me to do their family pics the next time the hubby comes back to town.  Plus, one of my besties is prego and will be needing some preggie pics this winter.  Add to that the fact that the fam I just shot is expecting and I'm going to have some newborn sessions!  Yea!  Now I need to come up with a logo and all that jazz.  Expanding business in a downturned economy = wonderful problem to have.

My baby is 13 months today!  That means my big girl will be 5 four months from today with my big man turning 3 two weeks after that!  Where is the time going?  It's all happening so fast.  Maddy is doing basic math and blowing it away.  I just hope she's not bored in kindergarten.  Hopefully she will have a fabulous teacher.  Daegan is finally starting to really get verbal and most people who are around him much at all can understand everything he says.  He is also making some serious ground in the potty training department!  It will be so nice to only have one child in diapers!

In new news, I get to have my baby nephew in 9 days!  He's coming to stay with me/my mom for about a month!  Can't wait to get some awesome nephew time in, lots of cousin time and get some great pictures.  He's been stuck in Vegas with Daddy but he's had two uncles, a grandma and a friend of the family watching him and no other kid interaction.  I'm super excited for him to get some cousin time!  Plus I'm going to start weaning him off the binky for my sis.  Speaking of my favorite, if only, sister...she got certified at her tower yesterday and was working the runway all by herself!  Note to self, don't fly into Cedar Rapids.  ;)  Totally kidding, Lauren!  I'm so proud of her and can't wait for her to get that transfer to Vegas to be with her family.  It can't come soon enough.  She is so strong.  I would have gone crazy by now for sure in her shoes.