Saturday, January 22, 2011

Quiet Time

My parents came to rescue Maddy and Daegan from the hospital today. The kids were fed up. Mom and Dave were very excited to see and get to cuddle Lilly. While they were here, I realized Nick had spent almost half of his vacation time for the year already and we still have one more surgery and 11 months left in this year. He took my suggestion (I don't think I demanded) and went home with my parents. He will go to work while Lilly and I play the waiting game up here in St. Louis. I am relieved to have some uninterrupted "me" time and time just Lilly and I. I never get time to myself so this is a treat! I'm not certain what I'm going to do with myself. I'm sure I will figure it out though.

I've been feeling quite melancholy lately. I can't put my finger on it. Eating didn't help but it really never does. Losing a little weight on Atkins rejeuvenated me but didn't take the sad away. Exercising this week has helped. I have put in nearly 14 1/2 miles on the elliptical this week in the last 4 days. I have decided the elliptical is definitely for me. My 5 miles last night was perfect - a little under an hour, pushed it without overdoing it, and was spent without feeling dead. I slept great as a result. Even with Lilly having a roommate with obnoxious parents overnight. So glad they're gone today - as much fun as it was listening to him snore and her having the tv on ALL night. Geez! Hopefully continuing to lose weight will help with my melancholy feelings. I guess we'll find out!

I hope this quiet time does me some good. I need my batteries recharged. I should get some good rest and some good time for self-reflection. I just wish the hospital had workout facilities for parents. I do some pretty good thinking while I'm exercising, plus I have the time and am on a role. Maybe I'll jaunt over to the hotel this evening and see if the room key still works to get me in to the workout facility over there even though we checked out today. Wouldn't that be nice?!

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