Monday, March 25, 2013

Review of "I Just Want to Pee Alone"

I have been following PIWTPITT (People I Want To Punch In The Throat) for a little over 3 months and I already want to stalk her until she relents and becomes my best friend. I swear we must have been separated at birth because I feel her talking to me in so many of her posts and she makes me laugh until I cry. So naturally as soon as her book was available, I bought it on Kindle. I'm so sad it's over, but I've now found these moms in the great blogosphere so I can stalk, ahem, keep up with them and their future moments of hilarity.
I can't pick a favorite story from the book because I loved every single one of them. A few of those stories sounded like my house and others like I'm certain my house will become as my small children grow up. These moms have the most vital tool for being a mommy-a sense of humor. I feel like I'm friends with all of them now that we've shared some stories and laughs. At the very least, we're all kindred spirits because we all know this one basic truth: motherhood can be a real b!+<£, but she sure is funny!
I Just Want to Pee Alone is a must-read for any mom with a sense of humor. I highly recommend it and promise you won't regret your decision.

1 comment:

  1. Awww! I popped over here to check out your blog and saw this stellar review! Thanks so much for reading and recommending. I have to say, i just love your header photo! And yep, you have it right, except you probably have more organization than me. I'm just putting out fires.
