Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Life Took a Chill Pill

My life has taken a chill pill and I am grateful!  A month ago I wasn't sure where life was taking me and I was terrified.  I had never prayed so hard in my life.  I needed answers.  I needed a sign of where to head next.  God answered my prayers.  My hubby came to me out of the blue and said he had been praying and had decided to quit drinking and that the kids and I deserved better.  I had said nothing feeling it would fall on deaf ears as it had so many times before.  He became helpful and took initiative with the kids.  He has apologized numerous times over the last 3 weeks for putting us through what he did.  When I have thanked him for being so helpful he tells me he has a lot to make up for and is just trying to be the husband and day that he should have been all along.  This has been music to my ears and just the infusion I and my marriage needed to bring us back to life.  I had given up hope.  I felt like we were roommates.  We engaged in meaningless chatter at the end of each day and that was it.  We weren't on the same team.  Now I feel like we're pretty close to being "us" again.  It's wonderful and I am so relieved.  I was dreading a future living with a person I didn't like and hardly spoke to but was even more terrified of the alternative.  Thank you, God for answering my prayers and bringing my husband back to me! 

I've had my nephew for the last 2 1/2 weeks and it has been wonderful getting to spend so much time with him.  He's full of energy and tries to break his head every 5 minutes but we are having a blast!  I can already tell a difference in him.  When he got here, he didn't listen AT ALL and now he listens about half the time.  I'll take it.  He's also absolutely precious with my kiddos.  Especially Lilly.  It's like he knows she's smaller and everything she's  been through.  He's so gentle and loving with her.  And she eats it up.  She tries to tickle him and kisses him.  I'm still working on he and Daegan with the concept of sharing... :\

I'm really looking forward to the Christmas season this year.  I think the kids are great ages and I'm feeling much more Christmassy this year now that Lilly's surgeries are behind us.  We went to a Christmas show the other night and the kids had a blast.  Even Lilly!  She was pointing at everything and trying to sing along to some of the songs.  Maddy got to go on stage and sit there while they sang a song and Daegan was dancing and clapping the whole time.  I'm about ready to put our tree and the lights up.  I'm definitely ready to do some holiday baking!  Bring on those holiday pounds!  :)

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